The Empowerment Gathering live in Sacramento, CA

Transform your life and business!

Imagine more time, money, less stress, unshakable
confidence and more clients!

Announcing The Empowerment Gathering live!

Will return August 4 and 5, 2011
The Double Tree Inn, Sacramento, CA

An incredible journey of life balance,
personal development, Empowerment
and Mindset Breakthroughs!
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Woman entrepreneur tips: 5 dangers of playing small

How many opportunities have you missed out on or dreams have been
sabotaged because of your playing small? I'm going to share 5 dangers
of a woman entrepreneur playing small.

1. Playing small sends a message to young women that we don't deserve more.
I can't tell you how many times my girls (now young women) have shared,
how my pursuit of my best empowered life and strong faith has enabled them
to reach for more and refuse to whine and make excuses for why they can't
do what they need to.

This includes my oldest who was diagnosed with MS and later told
it was NMO (a good thing in some ways). She lost her vision at one
point and continued to reach and yes she did recover and we all
received great empowerment through the journey. She remained independent
even while attending school. My youngest who started in middle school
pursuing her dream of attending a black university, received the Gates
millennium scholarship, stayed off the dorm, graduated and went to France
for the Cannes Film program. They had their challenges and yet they
were influenced by my life and their Father's, my husband and their
strong faith.

2. You stop the supernatural divine intervention of God from flowing in
your life. Our God is a BIG God and when we play small we are not
allowing Him to be who He is and will be to us.

3. You feed the mindset of mediocrity. There is so much more available and
when you play small you're settling. It's important that you are motivated
to reach for more, reach for excellence.

4. You remain in the zone of what could of been. This is not good.
Instead of your energies going toward fueling your dreams by being
clear on your vision, purpose and goals and then learning how to
advance towards achievement you're constantly looking back and reflecting
on what could have been. Don't look back at the end when it's too late
wondering what could have been. The time is now. It's all you have.

5. And last but definitely not least is that you're held in bondage to and
fuel low self esteem and a lack of confidence. You cannot possibly feel
too good about yourself when you play small. You're subjected to
comparing yourself with others and may even become very critical of
others because you are not happy with yourself and therefore also
don't have very healthy relationships.

If you feel that you've been playing small it's not too late to
change it. I invite you to begin today. Open the door to your big, bold
and beautiful life.

Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for wanting more. This is your
life and there are many that need to hear your message and benefit from
your gift(s). As I always say "God's gift to us is life and what
we do with it is our gift back to him!"

Make a quantum leap. There's no time to move slow. Of course you
use wisdom and chart your course, however, it's time to have a
mindset shift to "Quantum leaps." Think Big, Dream Big, Play
a bigger game and live Big!

Live Big, Bold and Beautiful with no apologies!

Want to learn more about how you can begin living big, bold and
beautiful with no apologies? Join me for my last preview call
and it's FREE. Register here to secure your spot as
this call will fill fast! You'll learn amongst other things why
you may have been playing small and 5 simple keys to begin living
big, bold and beautiful with no apologies!

Talk to you soon!

and live big, bold and beautiful with no apologies!

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