The Empowerment Gathering live in Sacramento, CA

Transform your life and business!

Imagine more time, money, less stress, unshakable
confidence and more clients!

Announcing The Empowerment Gathering live!

Will return August 4 and 5, 2011
The Double Tree Inn, Sacramento, CA

An incredible journey of life balance,
personal development, Empowerment
and Mindset Breakthroughs!
Watch for updates

Women's Empowerment: When is enough - enough?

Time continues to fulfill it's assignment daily waiting on no man.
Are you fulfilling your assignment daily waiting on no man, no-thing?
~ Robin G. Tramble

I'm sure you can attest to the above. Why, it's apparent when you look
in the mirror. A few lines here and a few gray hairs there. Yes, I know don't
remind you. And then maybe some of you have come to terms with the
fact that this is a natural process and you don't stress it. You do
what you need to do to enhance your looks.

As you've traveled through life and experienced various stages I'm
sure you've witnessed times of lack and times of increase. All of us
would like to see more times of increase. Some of us are there and
others are still dreaming of the day that this will manifest.

Are you living the life of your dreams? If your answer is no, what is
holding you back? What are you doing about it?

If you've been living this way for over 5 to 10 years and you've continued
doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results you're
actually living out one of the definitions of insanity.

Aren't you tired of watching the world go by, simply wishin' and a hopin'?

When is enough - enough?

Reach inside yourself and pull out that passion for life that you had
as a child. Reach for the dream and take action!! Taking action may
mean connecting to a mentor or coach, taking some courses to learn
life skills,connecting to a community of like-minded women for empowerment and support or simply writing down what it is you really
want,setting some goals and discovering how you can get there.

It's your life and only you can make the change necessary to live
the life of your dreams.

Don't wait. Time doesn't

Enough is enough.... now!

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