The Empowerment Gathering live in Sacramento, CA
Imagine more time, money, less stress, unshakable
confidence and more clients!
Announcing The Empowerment Gathering live!
Will return August 4 and 5, 2011
The Double Tree Inn, Sacramento, CA
An incredible journey of life balance,
personal development, Empowerment
and Mindset Breakthroughs!
Watch for updates
Women's Empowerment tips: Do you really know what you want in life?
life or are confused about how to get where they want to go.
There are many who have not even discovered this until it’s
too late.
How much time have you spent watching television or even doing
things that don’t really matter.
The first thing you must do is determine what you really want in life.
You may need to go back to when you were a child as some of our
Dreams were influenced by family, our environment, society our
church and others. You cannot even begin to set goals if you’re
not sure of this.
Now, don’t let it get you down if you’re not sure of what you really
want out of life. There are many ways of discovering your purpose
in life.
One place to begin is as I stated deep within as early as your childhood.
Do not let the influence of what others think you should be or do take
control of your thoughts. Now is the time to listen to your heart. Now
is the time to be authentic to be true to yourself.
What is it you truly love to do? This will represent your passion. What
is it that you would do with passion even if you weren’t paid to do it?
You will jump up each morning with excitement as you pursue your purpose
and passion.
Even when challenges come you will push forward as your passion fuels
your motivation. Of course you will have times that you experience
opposition, however, your passion, your heart’s desire will find ways
to overcome these obstacles.
Now take a few moments to jot down what you really want. Don’t try to
qualify it or second guess now is the time to let your heart speak.
There are other steps to take, however, without being clear on this you
will build an unstable foundation.
Here’s a great quote: If you want to get somewhere you have to know
where you want to go and how to get there. Then never, never, never
give up. - Norman Vincent Peale
I invite you to take the next step and live Big, Bold and Beautiful
with me in 2010.
Visit Breakthrough 2010 here
Woman Entrepreneur tips: Is the money really in the list?
this statement it is also important to note that the money is in a
responsive targeted list.
You can go on a daily pursuit of building a large list without any
focus on your niche or in other words who do you serve? And you'll
have a huge list of non responsive subscribers.
Carrie Wilkerson talks about community and how important it is to build
community and relationship.
I learned quite a few tidbits from her course magnetic list building.
Here are a few things she notes:
Definition: What is an "Opt-in list" or
"Permission-Based Marketing?"
This simply means that you are drawing prospects and customers closer to you by exchanging something of value for their name and e-mail, HENCE, permission to communicate with them about related products or services! Imagine yourself a large magnet, drawing a hungry crowd to you and they are raising their hand to say, "Yes! I am interested!"
She then shares the following: In a nutshell, here are 5 of the most basic low & no-cost tactics I used initially...
* Squeeze page with a free report or "ethical bribe"
* Weekly tips and/or newsletter
* Viral mini movie (there are ways to do this and things to avoid!)
* Tele-event series (this was also a great revenue generator
* Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, & more)
In this course I received content rich emails weekly with lessons
on things such as finding your market to using video to build your list.
I highly recommend the Magnetic List Building course.
To learn more about this resource click here
Although I am not receiving any compensation for mentioning this resource, I do receive a small compensation should you decide to also secure it for yourself.
Women's Empowerment: Hone for the Holidays How to Transform Your Family Dynamics
that we could all use. Enjoy!
Hone for the Holidays How to Transform Your Family Dynamics
By Steve Truitt
When Adam Sandler was still on Saturday Night Live back in the 90s, he did a fantastic bit during the Weekend Update News in which he had his father record the appearance on the VCR because he wouldn’t be able to make it home that year for Thanksgiving. He brought out a huge plate of food and began to eat and mimic listening to the people around the table as if he were there. It started off tame, but pretty soon it got contentious: “No Ma, I didn’t say that… Ma, she’s lying! Dad stay out of this… no I won’t shut up, Dad, you’ve been keeping me down too long! The tide’s turning old man!” At this point he burst into tears and screamed “I’M GAY!”
It was hysterical for a late night comedy show, but, sadly, all too common in families around the country.
So how is it that the season of celebration, joy, giving and family has become the time of the year that is most stressful? The answer is in Sandler’s Thanksgiving piece: He knew what was coming and he was waiting for it.
As family members, we know each other better than anyone else – foibles, flaws, failures and more. And the hope that maybe this year things will be different turns to anger, distance and resentment when that one button gets pushed and nothing has changed at all. Even in the closest of families – the least dysfunctional – expectations of unity, peace and holiday spirit can be instantly dashed at the moment a family member’s annoying habit poisons our perfect holiday scenario.
Here are the three things you can do this holiday season to hone your family relationship skills and make your holiday gatherings a more positive experience:
1. Limit your exposure: If you know that a certain amount of time spent with a family member gets your blood boiling, then simply plan to spend less time with them. Get in, get out and get on with your life.
2. Practice forgiveness: If you’re carrying any unresolved resentment into a particular situation, you’re planning to have a fight. You’re not going to fix or change this person – especially not during the holiday. So let it go, forgive their past offenses – and suspend your own judgment of them – and see if you can remember what you love about them. Focus on their good attributes. Let’s face it – who among us is perfect?
3. Visualize a great time: Before you spend time with your friends or relatives, take five minutes and visualize yourself driving or flying home from the visit feeling good about it and happy that you spent time with them. Take that peaceful energy into the situation and you will look for ways to create it while you’re there.
We can’t choose our families, but we can choose to accept them for who they are, and allow ourselves to be who we are at the same time. Your holiday is not recorded on videotape – at least not in its entirety! It’s yours to create -- any way you choose. This year choose to be the change you want to see in the family. Be forgiveness, be joy… BE MERRY!
Happy Holidays!
Steve Truitt is a life coach and the founder of Parent Parachute. His radio show is "The Bottom Line," which can be heard every Wednesday on Healthy Life Radio. He is the author of Stop Waiting For Permission! His website is
Women's Empowerment: All we have is now... all too true realization by Brittany Murphy's death
be more forgiving? The truth of the matter is that you are
not guaranteed even 1!
Are we really living life to the fullest or are we spending our days
believing that there's always tomorrow. And yet we want to realize the
benefits that come with an effective pursuit and manifestation of
women's empowerment.
Living a lifestyle of unforgiveness steals our relationships, opportunities
and is at the root of many diseases.
We must embrace a lifestyle of forgiveness for realized maximum empowerment
and sustained success.
On another note how long have you waited on your dreams? What has procrastination cost you in terms of relationships, money, dreams etc?
We all were saddened by the news of Brittany Murphy's death. A gifted woman
age 32 is no longer here and all opportunity to realize many of her dreams
is no more. Brittany did achieve a level of success in her life that many will
never see even though they live to see 72.
How long do you have here on earth? No one knows for certain. So what are you waiting for? If for some reason this was all there was and you would not
see 2010 would you be satisfied with what you have accomplished? If your answer
is a shattering no, what are you waiting for? All we have is now.
Seize every opportunity to realize the manifestation of your dreams. Live
everyday like it's your last because one day it will be.
Say yes to Breakthrough in 2010!!
My prayers go out to the family and friends of Brittany Murphy.
Women's Empowerment tips: Top 7 qualities of skillful leadership by Jim Rohn - Celebrating leadership in the new decade 2010!
He was a man of great wisdom. In this post I share one of his writings. You'll find many jewels within this one piece. The key is balance. Take it to heart for
maximized women's empowerment.
Here's to great leadership in the new decade 2010!
by Jim Rohn
If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself. Leadership is the ability to attract someone to the gifts, skills, and opportunities you offer as an owner, as a manager, as a parent. I call leadership the great challenge of life. What's important in leadership is refining your skills. All great leaders keep working on themselves until they become effective. Here are some specifics:
1. Learn to be strong but not rude. It is an extra step you must take to become a powerful, capable leader with a wide range of reach. Some people mistake rudeness for strength. It's not even a good substitute.
2. Learn to be kind but not weak. We must not mistake kindness for weakness. Kindness isn't weak. Kindness is a certain type of strength. We must be kind enough to tell somebody the truth. We must be kind enough and considerate enough to lay it on the line. We must be kind enough to tell it like it is and not deal in delusion.
3. Learn to be bold but not a bully. It takes boldness to win the day. To build your influence, you've got to walk in front of your group. You've got to be willing to take the first arrow, tackle the first problem, discover the first sign of trouble.
4. You've got to learn to be humble but not timid. You can't get to the high life by being timid. Some people mistake timidity for humility. Humility is almost a God-like word. A sense of awe. A sense of wonder. An awareness of the human soul and spirit. An understanding that there is something unique about the human drama versus the rest of life. Humility is a grasp of the distance between us and the stars, yet having the feeling that we're part of the stars. So, humility is a virtue, but timidity is a disease. Timidity is an affliction. It can be cured, but it is a problem.
5. Be proud but not arrogant. It takes pride to win the day. It takes pride to build your ambition. It takes pride in community. It takes pride in cause, in accomplishment. But the key to becoming a good leader is being proud without being arrogant. In fact, I believe the worst kind of arrogance is arrogance from ignorance. It's when you don't know that you don't know. Now that kind of arrogance is intolerable. If someone is smart and arrogant, we can tolerate that. But if someone is ignorant and arrogant, that's just too much to take.
6. Develop humor without folly. That's important for a leader. In leadership, we learn that it's okay to be witty, but not silly. It's okay to be fun, but not foolish.
7. Deal in realities. Deal in truth. Save yourself the agony. Just accept life like it is. Life is unique. Some people call it tragic, but I'd like to think it's unique. The whole drama of life is unique. It's fascinating.
I've found that the skills that work well for one leader may not work at all for another. But the fundamental skills of leadership can be adapted to work well for just about everyone: at work, in the community, and at home.
Go tell it! Christmas should be show and tell as writen by songwriter Robin G. Tramble aka empowermentdiva
a few years ago and it really concerned me that I couldn't
bring it back or locate the lyrics.
Well, anyone that knows me, knows that once I set my mind to
do something it's done! I felt led to go to my newsletter
to find older postings and aha!! There it was shared with my
subscribers. So.... you know I must share with you. Enjoy!
I'll record it so you can enjoy the music for the next Christmas.
How about that?
Go show it
Lyrics to original song
(c) 2006 Robin G. Tramble
Joy to the world , Joy to the world
Heark the herald Angels sing
In a little town called Bethlehem
Was born a child a King
Oh come let us adore Him
He brings peace and goodwill
Joy to the world, Joy to the world
Let Heaven and nature.... nature sing
Go tell it on the mountain, Over the hills and everywhere
Go tell it on the mountain, Behind the Christmas story
There's Power and Glory
Then Jesus Christ was born
Go tell it on the mountain... Over the hills and everywhere
Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ was born
It was a silent night, a cold, cold night
The carolers did sing
Joy to the world, Joy to the world
But what Joy could it bring
To one woman it's just another night
No food or gifts for her babies in sight
No Joy to her world, Joy to her world
Let heaven and nature.... sing
Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere
Everybody needs to know why Jesus Christ was born
Continue chorus
It's time to show and tell, Christmas should be show and tell - repeat
January, Februay, March, April, May
June and July .... everyday
August and September, October and November
Share the love of God more than December
It's time to show and tell, Christmas should be show and tell!
Copyright 2006 Robin Tramble for Trambleco Music Publishing
All Rights Reserved
Written by: Robin G. Tramble
Learn more about the gifts of song, music,songwriting by
The Dynamic Duo Michael and Robin Tramble
Women's Empowerment: Why Goal setting is a must do activity for your best empowered year yet!
Do you know? Where did you spend your time and was it spent wisely?
Did you realize the results that you wanted for women's empowerment?
If you don’t know the answer to at least one of these questions it
could be a result of not setting effective goals and incorporating
systems to measure your effectiveness and provide a map of where
you want to go.
This is a must do activity for your best empowered year yet.
You’ve probably heard about goals since at least Middle School
(Jr. High for some of us) and paid little or no attention to this
very important activity.
Is there really any benefit to setting goals?
Setting goals is a very significant part of success and positive
accomplishments. People who set goals literally create a map of
their target achievements in life,marking where they should begin,
where to pause, where to delve a bit, and where and when to stop.
Once this map is created, it allows the map drawer to check where
he is in the scheme of things and whether or not he is making some
achievements that will take him closer to his goals.
What are some key benefits to setting goals?
Knowing how you are doing and what you should be doing to achieve
your targets or dreams in life is a key benefit of setting goals.
You will know if you can relax or if you have to double your efforts
when you are falling short of the realization of your desired goal.
You are able to keep track of your progress which provides for
excellent feed back.
As a result of setting goals you will find that you’re more motivated
to achieve your plans.
Setting effective goals and achieving them will also help to boost
your confidence.
I've listed just a few of the vast amount of benefits of setting goals.
However, goal setting is not enough, as this should be accompanied by
a positive outlook and self-discipline. A person may have a blueprint
of where he wants to go, but if he does not have the necessary discipline
to carry out the plan, then nothing will come out of it.
To be successful in goal setting, the goals that one has set for himself
should be realistic and based on his capabilities, as well as selected
and important external factors. Being too ambitious in setting up goals
can make the goals unrealistic and difficult to achieve.
However, do not also set goals that are too low because this might
discourage one’s vision instead of achieving it.
If you haven't taken the time to set some goals whether personal,
spiritual or business goals there's no time to wait. Goal setting
is a must do activity for your best empowered year yet.
If you'd like to receive more information on goal setting and
other keys and strategies to living your best empowered life.
I'd like to invite you to learn more about an incredible resource
for women's empowerment here.
Here's to you an empowered woman!
Women's Empowerment: When is enough - enough?
Are you fulfilling your assignment daily waiting on no man, no-thing?
~ Robin G. Tramble
I'm sure you can attest to the above. Why, it's apparent when you look
in the mirror. A few lines here and a few gray hairs there. Yes, I know don't
remind you. And then maybe some of you have come to terms with the
fact that this is a natural process and you don't stress it. You do
what you need to do to enhance your looks.
As you've traveled through life and experienced various stages I'm
sure you've witnessed times of lack and times of increase. All of us
would like to see more times of increase. Some of us are there and
others are still dreaming of the day that this will manifest.
Are you living the life of your dreams? If your answer is no, what is
holding you back? What are you doing about it?
If you've been living this way for over 5 to 10 years and you've continued
doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results you're
actually living out one of the definitions of insanity.
Aren't you tired of watching the world go by, simply wishin' and a hopin'?
When is enough - enough?
Reach inside yourself and pull out that passion for life that you had
as a child. Reach for the dream and take action!! Taking action may
mean connecting to a mentor or coach, taking some courses to learn
life skills,connecting to a community of like-minded women for empowerment and support or simply writing down what it is you really
want,setting some goals and discovering how you can get there.
It's your life and only you can make the change necessary to live
the life of your dreams.
Don't wait. Time doesn't
Enough is enough.... now!
Women's Empowerment: Tips for effective communication
- French Proverb
One of the most powerful ways to enhance your communication is to listen.
I'm not speaking of passive listening. Nor am I referring to listening while
waiting for the next opportunity to get your point across. I'm speaking of
active listening.
Are you really listening... or are you just waiting for your turn to talk?"
- R. Montgomery
Paraphrasing is a great way to enhance your listening skills.
With this technique you might say " So if I understand correctly
you are saying that ...... when you.....?"
This helps in any dialogue whether it's personal or business.
It's engaging and reinforces the individuals belief that you
actually care about what they're saying and this builds rapport.
So while you're pursuing your personal and business empowerment consider
learning effective listening skills a significant part of developing effective
Here's a fun exercise -
Try this test of how well people listen:
Ask someone:
How do you pronounce J-O-K-E? "Joke"
How do you pronounce P-O-K-E? "Poke"
How do you pronounce B-L-O-K-E? "Bloke"
How do you pronounce S-M-O-K-E? "Smoke"
How do you pronounce the white of an egg? "Yolk"
Are you sure??
An unstoppable woman entrepreneur is a woman of influence
in their terms, it makes sense for them to do so. And, it makes
more sense when they come to the conclusions themselves. Therefore,
to influence others, don't TELL them, ask open-ended questions which
will draw them to the conclusions you wish to make.
~ Author unknown
Most entrepreneurs know that a prospect needs to know,
like and trust you before they'll be ready to purchase from you.
Now, there are differing opinions on this, however, there is definite
truth to the quote above. When entering into any dialoque with an
individual whether it's a personal relationship or business relationship
it's always a good idea to allow the other individual to feel that they
have come to the conclusion that you wanted them to make on their own.
In this instance we are talking about the woman entrepreneur's
relationship with a prospect or client/customer.
To a certain extent it is a known fact that some individuals want
you to tell them what they want, however, you must use a certain
technique to achieve this without it appearing that you are telling
them what to do or what they want.
The one thing this involves is listening. I don't mean passive
listening but actively listening. This is the only way you'll be
armed with the means to ask open-ended questions relevant to the
goal you have.
Next you will want to know more about the individual. What are their
likes, where is their pain, what do they care about? You'll be in a
better position to influence your client/customer's or prospect's
decision and draw them into a conclusion that you desire.
Always have some means of capturing their information so that you can
better build your relationship with them.
Apply the tips given above and realize the fruits of an unstoppable woman
entrepreneur a woman of influence.
You'll find information beneficial to your personal,
spiritual and business growth in The Association of Christian Women
Entrepreneurs an organization designed to provide a resource bank of tools,
expertise,training and more for Christian Women Entrepreneurs.
Why you must break free from fear now for women's empowerment!

You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger
than your faith. ~Mary Manin Morrissey
One thing I see over and over is the evidence of fear in
women's lives. These are the same women who so want to
embrace the idea of women's empowerment. It is possible
to break free, however, as I say empowerment is a choice and
so is breaking free from fear.
What is fear?
Fear is an emotional response to a perceived threat.
It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response
to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger.
Some psychologists such as John B. Watson, Robert Plutchik, and
Paul Ekman have suggested that fear is one of a small set of basic
or innate emotions. This set also includes such emotions as joy,
sadness, and anger. Fear should be distinguished from the related
emotional state of anxiety, which typically occurs without any
external threat. Additionally, fear is related to the specific
behaviors of escape and avoidance, whereas anxiety is the result
of threats which are perceived to be uncontrollable or unavoidable.
From wikipedia
Although there is good fear which for instance is a response
given when we sense danger I am talking about the negative aspect of fear.
Here are three reasons that you must break free from fear now!
Fear is a Dream Killer
Like procrastination, fear is a thief of time and I know all to well
about this one. There are many opportunities that have been lost
because of fear. I'm sure you can think of some missed opportunities
of your own. This will continue to happen unless you break free.
The life of your dreams is at stake. You must break free now!
Fear is a toxin
Our subconscious mind receives messages from our thoughts and actions
and it doesn't know whether it's a temporary or insincere thought.
No, our subconscious mind gets to work on whatever we send its way.
So in essence fear is a toxin to the subconscious mind.
Fear is not a part of God's plan and is not from God
In the bible we read that God has not given us a spirit of
fear but He's given us power, love and a sound mind. So if
God didn't give it to us then we shouldn't have it and it
hinders the flow of blessing on our lives.
Your goal should never be to focus on totally being free from fear,
that would be unbalanced, however, you should learn keys and the
necessary mindset shifts needed to empower you to live a life free
from the bondage of fear.
What will you do if you never break free? You don't have to wait
any longer. Join me for a free call Secrets to Breaking free from
fear, overwhelm, procrastination and low self esteem.
It happens Friday, January 15 at 11:00 AM PST, 1:00 PM CST,
2:00 PM PST. Can't make the call? A recorded call replay will
be available to all registrants. Register for Breaking free here.
One defintion of insanity is to do the same thing over and over
again expecting different results. Stop the insanity! Do something
positively different. Finally break free from fear.
Women's Empowerment tips: How can I refrain from giving up?
to get there. Then never, never, never give up. Norman Vincent Peal
The easiest thing to do is to give up. Whether it's giving up on your goals,
dreams, relationships etc. It doesn't take much to come to this
choice. And it is a choice. Each of us are given a choice we can
keep moving, stay persistent and consistent or choose to "Give up!"
Now, let's reflect on the quote above. I'm assuming that you do
want to get somewhere right?
One thing you must do is to know where you are going as mentioned
in the quote above. And all too many times that is one of the problems
you just don't even know where you want to go. You may complain about
what you don't have and how things have ended up and where you ended up.
Did you ever take the time to discover where it
is that you wanted to go? What is your vision,your dream, what are your
core values, who is your message to? All of these are important areas to
get clarity on.
How will you get there?
It's one thing to get clear on your goals, niche (who you serve),
and more and yet another to incorporate strategies and systems that
you'll use to get there. One thing you'll want to have is a mission
statement this not only helps others to see at a glance more of
what you're offering and to whom but helps you have a gage to measure
the effectiveness of your activities.
Back to setting goals. When setting goals it's not only good to do this
but to also make sure that you are setting effective goals and then add
action steps to your goals.
Why do individuals give up?
They may have become overwhelmed by too much information and lack the
needed support to actualize this information. Again, you don't have
goals in place aligned with daily action steps. There could be fear
in operation, fear of rejection, the unknown, failure, success etc.
A lack of Faith, courage and confidence.
There's no accountability measure in place. One accountability measure
you must have is a mentor,coach relationship. If you're not ready
for a formal mentoring/coaching relationship you need to consider being
part of a group that facilitates coaching and mentoring opportunities.
Most of these also provide tools, resources and assessments to reinforce
your experience.
My Women's Empowerment Inner Circle is a great option for one wanting to get started in this area.
Become a woman of tenacity with a success mindset and a resolve to never
give up!!
Empowerment is a choice. Choose to live your best empowered life today!
Enroll in Women's Empowerment Inner Circle here at a special discount
while it lasts.
Women's Empowerment tips: It's not over...Finish strong in 2009
that your op.portunity to achieve all that you wanted for 2009 is over.
Or.... you can look at it as an op.portunity to finish strong!
Yes, even in these last few weeks you can position yourself to
finish strong and jump-start your new year now.
Here are a few things you must do.
Get over yourself! OUCH!! Well we don't have a lot of time and you want
to hear it like it.... t-i-s tis right? So forget about all the reasons why you haven't
been successful accept for the activity of a professional self assessment.
Mindset shifts. Are your thoughts of success or failure and scarcity.
Make the shift to abundance and success. If you're in sales make the
shift from simply selling to sharing.
Eliminate those limiting beliefs. Let's face it we all have things that were
communicated to us and about us that influenced our success or lack thereof.
What has it done for you thus far? Not much if you're speaking of limiting
Set a few goals and attach action steps that you will complete daily to
achieve those goals. Write them down! Also always revisit your goals.
Get organized. Ughhh!! Yes, I said organization. This will help you
finish strong and jump-start 2010. Maybe this can be one of your goals.
To get organized!! Jot down daily action steps you'll need to take to
accomplish this. Get containers, bins, file folders, clear out the clutter,
designate a specific space for your office etc.
Get clear on your vision and if you're in business or aspire to start
a business get clear on who your niche (target market, who you serve)
is. This is very critical to your success. If you have no vision you have
no direction or navigation you are moving forward aimlessly if you're
moving forward at all.
Take inventory of the systems you have in place right now and
tweak any areas that didn't work.
Build your confidence and self esteem. This can be a great hindrance
to any endeavors whether personal, spiritual or business success.
Connect to an accountability measure. You know I have to say this.
This can be part of the big battle. You're on an island, trying to
reinvent the wheel, becoming overwhelmed and confessed.
You don't have to do that! Connect with a coach, mentor, trainer
hopefully that is or will be "me!"
Last but not least, commit to your spiritual authority. Your commitment
here will lay the foundation for anything you do. As Christians if you're married
your spiritual authority is your husband and Father God and those
unmarried it is Father God. It's important to have order and this
order would be based on the season of life you're in at this time.
Committing to Father God will help you fear-less and stay
There you have it a few tips on finishing strong. Of course there's much
more I could have said, however, we only have a few weeks left and
I don't want to overwhelm you.
If you need any support in any of these areas let's chat about getting
you connected. I have various levels for you to participate in.
Watch for programs being introduced that will support your efforts.
I suggest you begin with my Women's Empowerment Inner Circle here.