The Empowerment Gathering live in Sacramento, CA

Transform your life and business!

Imagine more time, money, less stress, unshakable
confidence and more clients!

Announcing The Empowerment Gathering live!

Will return August 4 and 5, 2011
The Double Tree Inn, Sacramento, CA

An incredible journey of life balance,
personal development, Empowerment
and Mindset Breakthroughs!
Watch for updates

Passion and purpose a powerful force

"Passion and purpose go hand in hand. When you discover your purpose, you will normally find it’s something you’re tremendously passionate about." ~ Steve Pavlina

Is your life missing passion? Do you desire to overcome procrastination, fear,
a life of overwhelm and complacency?

How would you like more energy,peace, success, confidence, faith and more?

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what
excites you.”Oprah Winfrey

Passion ladies, passion and desire fuels your purpose and gives your
dreams wings.

As you determine to live your best empowered life it is essential to
reignite your passion.

Passion:(emotion), a strong feeling about a subject or person, usually
of intense desire and attraction. [1]

If you think back you may remember the strong feeling you had for your dreams,
a relationship or to live a healthy life. What happened?

Life can drain energy from you. Distractions cause us to loose focus and
therefore we lack of a sense of purpose, which is essential for proper
navigation on this journey towards your best empowered life.

Although we're talking about the importance of passion it is very important
that we realize passion must be connected with action.

"Passion without action is useless passion." ~ Michael & Robin Tramble

Make a commitment to discovering and accessing the source of your passion.
Live life on purpose.
Sharpen your aim and focus.

These are three things that you can use as you begin your journey to
reignite your passion.

May the force be with you!

Have you joined the MEGA Event - 21 days of passion and empowerment
challenge? Registration is still open. Click here to reserve your space.

Make sure you maximize your experience by registering for the secure forum.

Empowering you.

Robin aka Empowerment Diva

[1] Source: Wikipedia


Unknown said...

"Passion without action is useless passion." ~ Michael & Robin Tramble

That is a great statement. It's like getting in your car but never turning it and yet expecting to arrive at your destination!

Lovee said...

I must agree. That statement jumped off the page to me.

Action is a must. In order to attain my dream, I must link my actions to the passion of my heart.


Melanie Joy Vertalino said...

Passion is a reason for living. I recently started writing. Well, last year I started to write a non-fiction book on relationships and I did enjoy it. But recently I started to write a novel, and while I was doing it, I felt something inside me that I don't ever remember feeling before. I think that God lets us know when we are on the right track by allowing us to feel "passion." I stayed up until about 6 AM because I just could not stop writing. I felt like I found my purpose. So many people in this world work at jobs they hate, then come home to maybe husbands they don't love or feel passionate about anymore. I think a lot of people walk around being alive on the outside but dead on the inside. And fear of change is what keeps people in this state. If possible, could you maybe write a blog post on change? I have recently come to learn that although almost all change is hard or difficult or painful, in the end it usually ends up being for our highest good. Whenever something bad happens to a friend, I would tell them to be ready for something wonderful. Like when they would lose a job. I would tell them it had to happen in order for the new wonderful thing to occur. Sorry I got off topic there but I had to say it. Your blog posts are very inspiring and I wish I found them sooner!
