The Empowerment Gathering live in Sacramento, CA

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Announcing The Empowerment Gathering live!

Will return August 4 and 5, 2011
The Double Tree Inn, Sacramento, CA

An incredible journey of life balance,
personal development, Empowerment
and Mindset Breakthroughs!
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The Storm

This one is powerful!
My daughter shares a profound poem that will grip your
soul and yet inspire you to soar in the midst of the storm.

Be Blessed


The light is crystal clear
Each step I take with a little less fear
Each breath I take has a purpose
No longer in man I trust
The rain falls harder
Trying to persuade my mind
But I am used to the rain this time
Storms no longer rage
Winds no longer sway me
Like a tree planted I am
Strength I have found in thee
Not swayed by negativity
Nor doubt and unbelief

Nor the things that I see
I meditate on the unseen
My vision is clearly the substance
So I long for the storm
Practicing resistance
Perfecting my diligence
Learning to trust in him
In the eye of the storm I lay my head
Tunnel vision towards what lie ahead
Lonely nights I feel I am falling
Tears fall from my eyes
And I hear a sweet melody calling
Healing my heart’s cries
Hard to see why but I know that I know
I will find purpose in the struggle
You place me over the fire
I’ll come out as pure gold
Falling deeper in the storm
I relinquish my control and I let go
And when I surrendered to you
That’s when I started to pull through
In the eye of the storm
That’s when I found you
The tears of my heart lord my cup is full
Oh God you are faithful
I stood back and watched
As you made a way out of no way for me
Just like when you parted the Red Sea
Just like Sarah’s baby
Just like Esther you looked out for me
Though weak and weary I smiled as I took your hand
I watched the seasons change
And you led me out of the storm

Written by
Sharmaine G. Tramble aka Purple © 2009
24Crowns Entertainment 10:27am Washington, DC

1 comment:

Melanie Joy Vertalino said...

WOW!!! What an amazing poem! Sounds like your daughter is growing up to be an amazing woman! (unless she is already grown up?) I hope you don't mind, but I saved that poem. It was really moving and inspirational. I recall hearing the phrase before, "If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it." My mom had made a poster of it and taped it to her dresser for all to see. Shortly afterwards, she passed away. For a couple years I stopped believing in God. But then after reading books by Doreen Virtue and Louise Hay, I stopped not believing and realized it was her time. Someday I will know why. I do believe that all things happen for a reason though and I do believe in God again. Although my belief of God is not the norm, but none the less I do believe. Your daughter should publish her poem at I did that and had a poem published in a book. Thank you for sharing!
