The Empowerment Gathering live in Sacramento, CA

Transform your life and business!

Imagine more time, money, less stress, unshakable
confidence and more clients!

Announcing The Empowerment Gathering live!

Will return August 4 and 5, 2011
The Double Tree Inn, Sacramento, CA

An incredible journey of life balance,
personal development, Empowerment
and Mindset Breakthroughs!
Watch for updates

Women's Empowerment: Can you imagine it?

If you could have anything in the world and didn't have to think about
money or knew you could not fail what would it be?
Can you imagine it?

There are so many things that you may want in this life
and yet you probably haven't begun to even imagine them. What visual do you
have? What have you written down? You don't fail unless you quit or you fall
and don't get up and most times money is not the hindrance to starting
towards your dream there are other contributing factors.

I've made some great shifts in my business and it began with visualizing
and getting very clear on what it was that I wanted. I had to put myself in
the moment and do a few other things to begin manifesting.
Another great factor was my Faith and my environment. I've been surrounding
myself with great women, adjusting my environments
to support what I do and desire to do. My number one priority is to close
to my Divine influence which is God. It's so easy to lose momentum and
motivation, however, when you're connected with accountability measures,
become faith-full, do what's needed for your environment to support you,
and surround yourself with power women the results are limitless.
What belief systems do you have in place that are sabotaging your efforts?
Are you doing the same thing expecting different results? It is also essential
that you make the necessary mindset shifts.

There is so much power within you to manifest your dreams. I challenge you to
begin with the picture/vision in view, discover and activate your burning desire.

Are you sabotaging your succes because of a lack of confidence or low
self esteem? What are you doing about it? Connect with
accountability measures (i.e. coach, mentor, systems), eliminate
the negatives, make mindset shifts, take inventory of your resources
available and begin living your big, bold, beautiful and authentically
brilliant life! Can you imagine it? Do it right here and right now.
Start with one step forward and keep moving.

God is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over
and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest
prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]. Ephesians 3:20 It's already
done in Heaven. Let it be done on earth! You have everything within you. Boost your self confidence and self esteem. Let go of those limiting beliefs. Tap into your brilliance and manifest!

Here's to you! The new Empowered you!

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Robin Tramble is the Dynamite "Authentic Life" Empowerment Mentor,
Trainer,Coach to savvy women and woman entrepreneurs that want to
attract pro.sperity "Spirit, Soul and Body" by presenting their
gifts from an authentic self projection of empowerment, purpose
and passion. "No hype... simply the real deal"

Click here to request your fre.e access to Robin's empowering ezine for savvy
entrepreneurial women "Highlights of Empowerment and Total Wellness."
Receive empowering tips, her empowering
audio "3 Big mistakes women make" and her special report
"Barriers to empowerment."

(c) 2010 Robin G. Tramble

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