The Empowerment Gathering live in Sacramento, CA

Transform your life and business!

Imagine more time, money, less stress, unshakable
confidence and more clients!

Announcing The Empowerment Gathering live!

Will return August 4 and 5, 2011
The Double Tree Inn, Sacramento, CA

An incredible journey of life balance,
personal development, Empowerment
and Mindset Breakthroughs!
Watch for updates

Women's Empowerment: Better or Bitter?

Have you ever been in the presence of an individual and their
spirit was so negative and heavy that it left you burdened and
heavy. Continuous fellowships only made your heart sad, your
spirit bruised and before long you were bitter toward the loss of time
invested and the lack of positive results. Yes, I said bitter. Could it
be that the dear one who is in your presence is bitter, unhappy
with life and the results of life? Could it be that there is a lack
of true devotion with their Father so they exude poison that
poisons your soul and spirit?

We must guard our heart . Guard your heart more than anything else, because
the source of your life flows from it. God’s word translation (1995)
If you are harboring any bitterness in your heart, You must get rid of

Ask Father God to help you.

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

Now let’s turn our thoughts toward a more refreshing experience.
I know you have been around individuals that move you to
positive change, move you toward God pleasing activites,
that moves you toward the pursuit of maximizing your life. Why,
to be in their presence is refreshment, empowerment, peace.
Does anyone come to mind?

Let me ask you when in the company of you what are the
lasting results? Are they better or bitter after being in your company?
Oh my friend, make sure you spend time in the presence of God so
that individuals who have been in your presence are in “good company”
and as a result they will be the better for it.

Women's Empowerment: What do I do now? How can I move forward without resources?

I'm finding that we as women need some cheering up. I have heard so many comments about circumstances, fear, confusion, possible depression, financial insecurity etc. Although we are not to opt into the recession as I always say we cannot be ignorant of the financial state of the world.

Are you feeling stuck, confused or discouraged because of a lack of funds? What else is going on? What's holding you back?

I am a savvy entrepreneurial woman and yes, it takes money to run any business. So I know you understand the fees attached (when I do) to my services, products and programs. Having said that I also have an obligation to my Father God to walk, talk, see, hear and speak by faith.

The time is now ladies! Seize the opportunity.

I've heard the cry and I'm about to do something that is going to seperate the talkers from the doers. You know those decisive action taking women.

Robin Tramble's laser personal/spiritual/business growth group strategy sessions

How much will this cost me? No, see it as an investment.
Are you ready?

Pay what you can. Yes, this program will be very valuable information and you will receive transformational keys and tips to jump start your passion and empowerment. Everyone will receive a passion assessment. (Value $49 and up). Now's your chance to prove that you are willing to do what it takes to make a shift!!

Some of you may be in a season where you can't p.ay what you would like, others are in a different season and can p.ay what the market suggests. You will offset the need of the other ladies.

Some of the programs, services and products you've been receiving command a much larger tuition and fee.

What's the catch? There's no catch, however, only sign up if you're ready to take action, do the needed activities and take responsibility for your results.


Raise your hand and say yes
Send topics and questions you would like to have answered.
The best days and times for a live group session. You can include Saturday if that works. I'll take it all into consideration.

Send this information to me and you will receive an email with notice of registration. You can go ahead and send your replies to:

The ball's in your court. I'm doing my part to be sensitive to the needs of my community.

Speaking of community - Are you a part of the RT Community?
All roads lead to

Coming soon!
Dynamic Women of Faith Telesummit
"Fired up!"

This post was courtesy of....

Robin G. Tramble
Robin Tramble International

Marriage Empowerment for women: Am I admitting failure when seeking advice?

I've coached, counseled and mentored many women in the area of relationships
and I find that many times we miss out on the empowering support necessary to
manifest effective relationships because often times women feel that they are admitting to failure when seeking out advice or resources.

On the contrary! When you continue along a path doing the same thing expecting different results you are actually a demonstration of one definition of
insanity. Yes, I said insanity.

To acknowledge challenges that exist whether it be personal or business
takes courage.

On the other hand seeking out tools, resources, mentorship is an act of a
woman with wisdom. Wisdom to know that it makes more sense to prepare and
invest in an empowered marriage or relationship instead of paying later for a

So... I invite you to be a decisive action taking woman and take advantage of
a transformational resource for wives, engaged or those preparing for marriage.

The Empowered wife virtual workshop.

Receive a free action guide and claim your free marriage tips resource.

I'll be keeping it real and sharing my experience of 28 years of marriage,
raising productive citizens of integrity and character even in the midst of

No, you don't always feel like building up your man. Sometimes you may even
neglect the passion or strength to encourage yourself.

Come spend a little time with me and let me motivate you to reach for an
empowered marriage.

Claim your spot now. Click HERE

Celebrating your choice for Empowerment.

Robin aka Empowerment Diva

Personal Empowerment for Women: How will you get there?

I experienced a phenomenal series of sessions with Peter Daniels -
self made millionaire by way of our Church event. His
view on setting goals was an eye opener.

Many of us want so much out of life, we have these astronomical
figures in our head of how much money we would like
to have, businesses and places we'd like to go.

Do we really know what we want?
Are we really taking the steps to get there?

One of the questions he asked of ones who said they wanted
trillions $*$* - from a 1 - 10 where are they in their ability to
achieve this goal? Meaning; will what they are doing now allow them to get

Goal setting is very important in every aspect of our life. If
you have already set your goals and/or know what you want, the next
question is ; How will you get there?

Maybe you know where you want to go, however, you haven't determined
how or haven't set any goals to get there so therefore any road will
take you there.

Take inventory of the things you need to do, the
tools you must utilize and the connections you must make.

Do it today! Time won't wait forever.

Want to use this post in your ezine or on your website?

You can as long as you include the following blurb.

Robin Tramble is passionate about empowering women to live their
best empowered life "Spirit, Soul and Body." now!
Request your free access to her power-packed ezine "Highlights of
Empowerment and Total Wellness" for savvy entrepreneurial women.
She is a Life Empowerment Mentor/Trainer/Coach
If you enjoyed this article you'll enjoy her transformation products and services.